Truman State University
close Truman State UniversityPedestrian Mall Reconstruction | Kirksville, Missouri
A team led by Hitchcock Design Group worked with Truman State University to design a project that replaces existing brick paths in a core area of campus. The design improves pedestrian circulation, provides outdoor seating areas, addresses bike parking needs, updates lighting and other utilities, reduces the amount of impervious paving, and improves the appearance of the landscape. A new brick terrace connects the library loggia with the main walkway and offers a semi-private area for small gatherings. Small break-out plazas provide areas for flexible programming such as activity signups and group gatherings. The team developed an innovative pavement section that combines the aesthetic advantages of clay brick pavers—both permeable and non-permeable—with a base layer of permeable concrete. This minimizes any differential settling of the pavers while allowing storm water to infiltrate into the aggregate layers below. From there it can be accessed by trees and shrubs in the adjacent planters, thus providing an environmentally-sustainable design.
Truman State University
THHinc.McClure; McClure Engineering
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