Columbus Redevelopment Commission
close Columbus Redevelopment CommissionRiverfront Redevelopment | Columbus, Indiana
The Columbus Redevelopment Commission is leading an initiative to improve the appearance, recreational function, environmental quality, and economic benefit of the East Fork of the White River between the 2nd and 3rd Street bridges. Led by Hitchcock Design Group, the project team was tasked with developing an aesthetic for the riverfront redevelopment concept that strikes a careful balance between the iconic, modern design of the 2nd Street bridge and the historic Pumphouse. Additionally, the design needed to create a compelling concept for the redevelopment of the waterfront that improves access to and along the river while creating dynamic public places that are consistent with the city’s rich cultural history. The team is also considering modifications of the low-head dam that is located within the project site to improve river water quality, safety and navigation.
City of Columbus
Christopher B. Burke Engineers
Strand Associates
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